Who is an honest person
Why should anyone be honest If you are also an honest person, then you should know how good it is to be honest, for our society, our society only works with honest people and not with dishonest people. If you are an honest person then you should be proud of it and it is a matter of self-respect that you are an honest person because if we are not honest then there will be dishonesty everywhere in the world. If you think you should have been dishonest, it would be wrong because sincere person is always alive in the world, even after death people remember any person. If you chose the path of dishonesty, then in the future you will Will remember everyone as a bad person and tell that this person was very bad and if you choose the path of honesty, you will remember everyone as a good person. If you think that if there were dishonest people everywhere then there would be fight fights everywhere in the world and everyone would be thirsty for each other's blood, it is because of honest pe...